Overseer Lain
Father of the site
Material World name: "Felix"
Function and origin: Site coder and owner,
makes drawings required for the site.
Can temporarily wire his ego
Wired Lain
Permantently wired to The Web
Material World name: "Daniel"
Function and origin: art and thought contributor,
born in The Material he was able to wire his ego
ego to The Web and now exists in both worlds
DJ Lain
Transfers sound waves directly to your brain!!!
Material World name: Does not exist in
The Material
Function and origin: was created
and programmed to emit sound waves
pleasurable to human brains
Lurker Lain
Oh hey, look - it's you!
Material World name: "⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"
exists purely in The Material, has the potential
to become wired